InhaltsangabePreface. Acknowledgments. PART I INTRODUCTION. 1. Organized Impermanence: An Overview. 2. Mundane Poetics: Searching for Wisdom in Organizational Theory. 3. Faith, Evidence, and Action: Better Guesses in an Unknowable World. PART II ATTENDING. 4. Managing the Unexpected: Complexity as Distributed Sensemaking. 5. Information Overload Revisited (Kathleen M. Sutcliffe and Karl. E Weick). 6. Organizing for Mindfulness: Eastern Wisdom and Western Knowledge (Karl E. Weick and Ted Putnam). PART III INTERPRETATION. 7. Making Sense of Blurred Images: Mindful Organizing in Mission STS-107. 8. Organizing and the Process of Sensemaking (Karl E. Weick, Kathleen M. Sutcliffe, and David Obstfeld). 9. Impermanent Systems and Medical Errors: Variety Mitigates Adversity. PART IV ACTION. 10. Hospitals as Cultures of Entrapment: A Re-analysis of the Bristol Royal Infirmary (Karl E. Weick and Kathleen M. Sutcliffe). 11. Enacting an Environment: The Infrastructure of Organizing. 12. Positive Organizing and Organizational Tragedy. PART V LEARNING AND CHANGE. 13. Emergent Change as a Universal in Organizations. 14. Drop Your Tools: An Allegory for Organizational Studies. 15. Leadership as the Legitimation of Doubt. Epilogue. References. Index.
Karl Weick is the Rensis Likert College Professor of Organizational Behavior and Psychology, and Professor of Psychology at the University of Michigan. He is one of the leading figures in the American Academy of Management and he is seen by many as one of the most influential thinkers and writers in the field.
Preface. Acknowledgments. PART I INTRODUCTION. 1. Organized Impermanence: An Overview. 2. Mundane Poetics: Searching for Wisdom in Organizational Theory. 3. Faith, Evidence, and Action: Better Guesses in an Unknowable World. PART II ATTENDING. 4. Managing the Unexpected: Complexity as Distributed Sensemaking. 5. Information Overload Revisited (Kathleen M. Sutcliffe and Karl. E Weick). 6. Organizing for Mindfulness: Eastern Wisdom and Western Knowledge (Karl E. Weick and Ted Putnam). PART III INTERPRETATION. 7. Making Sense of Blurred Images: Mindful Organizing in Mission STS-107. 8. Organizing and the Process of Sensemaking (Karl E. Weick, Kathleen M. Sutcliffe, and David Obstfeld). 9. Impermanent Systems and Medical Errors: Variety Mitigates Adversity. PART IV ACTION. 10. Hospitals as Cultures of Entrapment: A Re-analysis of the Bristol Royal Infirmary (Karl E. Weick and Kathleen M. Sutcliffe). 11. Enacting an Environment: The Infrastructure of Organizing. 12. Positive Organizing and Organizational Tragedy. PART V LEARNING AND CHANGE. 13. Emergent Change as a Universal in Organizations. 14. Drop Your Tools: An Allegory for Organizational Studies. 15. Leadership as the Legitimation of Doubt. Epilogue. References. Index.