InhaltsangabeEditorial. Cognitive Play and Mathematical Learning in Computer Microworlds; L.P. Steffe, H.G. Wiegel. Exponential Functions, Rates of Change, and the Multiplicative Unit; J. Confrey, E. Smith. Growth in Mathematical Understanding: How can we Characterise it and How can we Represent it? S. Pirie, T. Kieren. The Gains and the Pitfalls of Reification -- the Case of Algebra; A. Sfard, L. Linchevski. Images of Rate and Operational Understanding of the Fundamental Theorem of Calculus; P.W. Thompson. Negotiation of Mathematical Meaning and Learning Mathematics; J. Voigt.
Editorial. Cognitive Play and Mathematical Learning in Computer Microworlds; L.P. Steffe, H.G. Wiegel. Exponential Functions, Rates of Change, and the Multiplicative Unit; J. Confrey, E. Smith. Growth in Mathematical Understanding: How can we Characterise it and How can we Represent it? S. Pirie, T. Kieren. The Gains and the Pitfalls of Reification -- the Case of Algebra; A. Sfard, L. Linchevski. Images of Rate and Operational Understanding of the Fundamental Theorem of Calculus; P.W. Thompson. Negotiation of Mathematical Meaning and Learning Mathematics; J. Voigt.