In an exciting, action-packed adventure spanning the time from The Phantom Menace to the end of the Legacy of the Force series, Han and Leia go an adventure to search for clues to the Millennium Falcon's past...and a possible treasure!
Shortly after the events of the Legacy of the Force series, Han and Leia encounter something hidden on theMillennium Falconthat dates back to the years before Han won the ship from Lando Calrissian in a game of Sabaac. In an effort to unravel the mystery, they follow the clues of theMillennium Falcon's history back to its very construction, and discover an elaborate -- and failed -- plot to overthrow the Emperor.
James Luceno is theNew York Timesbestselling author ofStar Wars: The Unifying Force, Star Wars: Labyrinth of Evil, Star Wars: Dark Lord: The Riseof Darth Vader, and otherStar Warsnovels and nonfiction books. He lives in Annapolis, Maryland, with his wife and youngest child.
A brand-new Star Wars adventure especially for fans of Han and Leia and the Millennium Falcon!
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